In 2014, Oogie Art students embarked on a transformative journey to Uganda to teach art at the Kasangula Talent School. During their visit, we noticed that the school's limited resources meant that teachers had to fetch water from 2 kilometers away just to cook lunch, plain porridge for the students. This striking need for basic amenities led to the launch of a well-construction project, recognizing that access to water was a fundamental necessity for the students more than additional educational programs.
By 2015, Oogie Art had successfully helped building a well, significantly improving access to clean water for both the school and the local village. This well served as a vital resource until it dried up in 2020, underscoring the ongoing challenges faced by the community in securing a reliable water supply. Motivated by this setback, Oogie Art students and supporters rallied again for a fundraising initiative, which culminated in the installation of a permanent water system in 2023, ensuring that the community would not have to experience water scarcity again.
This initiative is just one example of how the Oogie Art Leadership Program not only nurtures creative talents but also instills a sense of responsibility and commitment to addressing global challenges. Our students learn that art can be a powerful tool for social change, providing them with unique opportunities to make a significant impact.